Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First Strasbourg Pics!

Here are my first pictures from Strasbourg! There are some of the cathedral we climbed up and some of the cute shops..just random pictures of the city!
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by hneeven

Last night we went on a "pubathon" throughout Strasbourg. It was a mix of international students and french students. It was soo fun! We went to four different bars, with discounted drinks at each one. One had a "metre" of shots for ten euro..its ten shots for ten euro...obviously we split it with a bunch of ppl but it was sick because they were so cheap! Some of the french students did them alone, or just split it with one person..they're wayyy bigger champs than I thought over here! The last bar we went to was in the bottom of a boat on the was soo cool! like a huge dance party in the bottom of a boat and the french students said that there are a bunch of bars and clubs like that on the river and they're some of the best places to go. I had soo much fun! the pubcrawl was awesome  too because we were so intermingled with all the french kids and other international ones..I met soo many awesome french friends. It was cool to speak french to them and they understood what I was saying ( and i could even understand them!)...some of them were pretty impressed with my french! I'm not as bad as I thought, its all coming back thank god! Going to Germany tomorrow for a "rep your country" themed party...I think I'll wear my red sox shirt to represent! haha I guess the clubs in germany are ever sweeter then here. I'll let you know! Gros Bisous de France!

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