Monday, January 18, 2010

Yaaaa da Discotech!!

So this weekend was pretty sweet and started out in GERMANYYY. Turns out Germany is a hop skip and a jump from where I am...legit I can walk there in 20 mins which is about the same as it takes to get downtown :). Thursday we went to a discotech called K3 in germany with the international program here (aka the party planning program here). It was supposed to be themed as "rep your country" so all us USA girls had tshirts with typical US stuff on them, like southern stuff or Red Sox and Superfan...turns out not too many people cared about the theme and they all looked really cute when we met to meet the bus at my school. Lucklily my apartment is 30 seconds from my school so we ran home and changed and no one was the wiser! When we got on the bus everyone started singing!..not too different than us BCers!..they were singing all these songs in French that I blatantly didn't know the words to but it was still fabulous! Then one kid got up and lead a song to the Remember the Titans tune..I loved here it is:
"Everywhere we gooooo....People always ask us....Who we are...Where we come from...So we tell them...We are from Strasbourg...Sexy Sexy Strasbourg...Merry Merry Strasbourg..." and i think there is more but I don't remember it all.
 Anyway the singing on the bus was really fun and the club was wicked cool too. DJ +dancing +discounted drinks =success in my book. One of my goals for the night was to get up on the DJ platform and do my naturally I made it happen...I'm pretty badass sometimes haha..they even let me wear the headphones!

They played a bunch of funky german and clearly international music but they also played american jams! Lady Gaga has infiltrated the entire world...thank god! gotta love her and a dance party just isn't a dance party with her! On our ride home from Germany the Irish girls had facepaint and branded most of us americans with the irish flag. Chelsea had it on her face, cammie and sarah had it on their coats, I was the only one who made it home unscathed haha. All in all a great Thursday night, and no class on Friday lent itself to a pretty good recovery.

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